Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Dying Breed - The Male Perspective

Brian Gilb is a co-author for the Gentlemen Guide for the Modern Age. His work would not be complete without the backing of a wonderful woman by the name of Laurel England. You can see her opinion and reaction to this post at " The Dying Breed - The Female Perspective".

I was sitting in a restaurant early for breakfast about to take a sip of coffee. I looked out the window and saw three young teen boys and a young girl approach the entrance. The girl made it to the door first and hesitated. The three boys stopped and looked at one another. Sheepishly, the girl opened the door for them. The boys didn't know what to do. Instead of taking her place to hold the door, all three men crammed through the entrance, leaving their door stop... I mean lady, behind them.

After cleaning up my coffee that I spit up all over the table, I asked the waitress to refill my cup while I got over the shock of what I had just seen.

At first I was filled with disappointment. It's a shame that the youth of today does not even understand the importance of opening a door for a woman. If I had failed to do so when I was a youth, my father would have probably beaten me senseless with a wire hanger and pair of sockem boppers.

This very instance confirmed for me that the breed of gentlemen is now truly extinct. 

Burning my tongue on the next drink of coffee brought my wits back to me and gave me a positive thought. It occurred that these three teen boys may have never been beaten with a wire hanger... or much more told how to open the door for a woman. Its sad that chivalry among the modern men is lost. But its not that they blatantly didn't do it. They just didn't know how.

So, in an effort to try and foster a breed that has all but been eradicated from modern U.S. society, I am starting here. Although not many men might ever even type the word "Gentlemen", my hope is that those who do seek a chivalrous lifestyle can learn a thing or two these posts.