Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Picking Cindy up on the First Date


The date with Cindy is nigh, and your as nervous as a prostitute taking a pregnancy test. 

Okay, bad example. But the point is you're nervous. Why? Because Ms. Cindy is insanely hot and you have
a tendency to fuck things up on a first date.

You may feel like this poor bastard right here.
And sometime, gentlemen have a tendency to screw things up before the date even begins. 


Allow me to explain

Picking Up Ms. Cindy

You just pulled up to Cindy's house in your car and you hugged the curb in front of her home right by the bushes. You check your phone to make sure you have the right address, the you look up to see if she's going to come out the door. After a few minutes, you figure out you didn't put on enough deodorant because you're sweating like a pig. You get impatient and you honk the horn.

No response. 

So you call her on your cell phone. She picks up.

"Hello?" she answers.
"Yeah wasup. You ready to go or what?" you smoothly say. 
"Oh , I uh, I'm still getting ready. I'll be a few minutes," she says. 

You hang up the phone and wait in your car with the music blaring. Finally, she emerges and walks up to the car. She has to maneuver around the bushes and squeeze herself in to open the door. She gets in and says something to you with a disgusted look on her face, but Marylin Manson is jarring to loud to hear what she saying. 

Okay... please tell me that you saw several things wrong with what you did in this passage. If you did, good. If you did not.... I'm tempted to threaten you with ripping your spine out and beating you to death with it, but just read on.

Good Old Mrs. Post

I would be remiss in stating my stance on opening doors for a lady on the initial start of the date without citing a few facts from Mrs. Post's Etiquette, Manners for a New World.

" Go to the Door. Don't park at the curb and honk or call on your cell phone to let her know you're waiting - unless that's what you and your date agreed on. If you're meeting at a work place, let your date know that you've arrived then wait... patiently. If you are meeting in a public place, try and arrive a few minutes early."

So now.... how can we apply this to the single gentleman who is about to pick up Ms. Cindy for their first date. 

The Check List

There are a series of things you need to do to make sure the pick up is smooth and successful.

1. Set the Music - If you did your homework, you asked her what kind of music she likes. Set it to the radio, download a few types of her music, or find a Pandora station that plays her favorite songs. Have it set and playing at a reasonably low volume before you exit the car. So when she does get in the car, the music automatically starts playing at a low tone. Having her music on will make her a little more at ease for the date. It will also show consideration.

2. Park in a Convenient Spot - When you pull up, find a place that makes it easy for her to get in and out of. Park a little off the curb if you have to and make sure she doesn't have to step over roots or loose gravel. Chances are shes going to be wearing heels, so make her path to the door as safe as possible. 

3. Walk up to her Door and Knock - Get out of your car and walk to the front door. I know, seems simple but guys tend to screw this one up and forget. Walk up to the door, ring the doorbell or knock, then step back from the door a few feet. You don't want to look like a creeper ringing the doorbell a million times then fall through the entrance when she opens it. 

4. Be Patient - With first dates, girls tend to dress to the nines. If she's doing this, she is probably going to be a little late. So don't be surprised if she lets you in and asks for a few more minutes. Be patient, sit and wait. Tell her to take her time while you brandish that pearly white smile.

5. Don't take your Phone out - I know you might be sitting in her living room for  a few minutes, but do everything in your power not to take your phone out. If she comes back in and you are self absorbed in your phone, shes going to be wondering who you are talking to. She might even assume right then and there that you have another girl under your belt that you are seeing. Not the best idea. Just keep it in your pants... the phone I mean. 

6. Open the Door - When she comes out and you finally clamp your mouth shut after gawking at her in her little black dress, take  her to the front door and YOU open it. Again, seems simple but gentlemen screw this one up more so now than ever. Walk down the path toward your car and AGAIN, open the car door for her. Here's the important part: when you open the door, offer your hand to help her in. This may seem archaic and unnecessary, but just offering your hand will stand out in her mind as kind. 

7. Walk around the BACK of your car - This means you are safety conscious. Granted she's not going to really notice this one, but a gentleman always walks behind the car in any situation. 


These are all very simple things you can do. Again, they will not guarantee that she's going to want to jump in bed with you. But it will mitigate any negative things she will talk about with her friends later. 

Also, some girls expect to have a gentleman they want to date. If they are really on the look out, they are evaluating these things. So don't screw it up. 

If all else fails, just don't try and peak a sneak down the cleavage of her dress when she gets in the car.

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