Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meeting a Woman for the First Time - The Male Perspective


"Hey baby, what's up?"

Don't lie, if you are a male of dating age you've used this one at least once, be it at a bar, over the internet, or drunk at a random bus stop waiting to be shuttled to the next college campus party. Every girl has heard it, and guess what gentlemen - it doesn't work and they don't like it.

So what does one say to a woman if you want to meet her for the first time? Many of the flat-rimmed hat community would say to use a pick up line. I would list some, but I will let you take a look here and you can cringe for yourself.

And I am sure you're about to say "Well my buddy James used one and he got laid by this hot chick." Okay, first off, strip clubs and a girl incapacitated by alcohol don't count. Secondly, depending on who you are and where you use them, they do have the probability of working. But a very LOW probability. If you are seeking a higher level of chivalry in your life, then this is not the path to go.

The Greeting

So now that we have that out of the way, lets get into the mechanics of what you say to a woman when you meet her for the first time.

Lets say you are in a bar on a Friday night.  You've  had a beer, you're feeling good, you're talking with your friends about how Billy 'accidentally' got his wang stuck in one of the jets of his hot tub, when you look up and make eye contact with that pretty girl at the other end of the bar.

With a pint of liquid courage under your belt, you get up and walk past the hipsters who haven't taken a shower in weeks and around the throngs of drunken college students with fake IDs. You walk up to her and say...

"Hi, my name is Pogo, want to jump on my stick?"

Thank God that was only in your head. We know that's what you are really thinking but lets go over what you should actually say.

According to Emily Post's Etiquette, Manners for a New World, there are four steps for a correct greeting.

Stand Up - If there's no room to stand - briefly lift yourself out of your chair, extend your hand and say "Please excuse me for not standing. Its nice to meet you."

Smile and Make Eye Contact - Your smile conveys warmth and openness. looking a person in the eye clearly shows that you're focused on them.

Say your Greeting - The direct "How do you do?" "Hello," or "It's a pleasure to meet you" are all good openers. Repeating the persons name also helps you to remember it.

Shake Hands - Grasp the other persons hand firmly, shake two or three times, let go, and step back.

Now, obviously this is not a business meeting and your not going to glare at the woman in the eye, crush her hand in a handshake and say "How do you do madam.!" These are a good rule of thumb for greeting anyone. But lets take this information and apply it from a gentleman's perspective with regards to speaking to a woman in the bar for the first time. 

Saying Hello to the Hot Chick 

Believe it or not, the best pick up line in the world for a gentlman of stature is this:

"Hi, my name is (Insert first name). How are you?"

That's it. Its all you need to do. Simply extend you hand, smile, make eye contact, and shake her hand with a semi firm grip. After she says hello and that she is good, the next follow up question should be:

"Whats your name? Its nice to meet you (insert name)"

Two things need to happen here. One, remember her freakin' name. Make a mental note, associate it to something, brand it in your mind, I don't care how you do it, as long as you remember it.

At the same time you need to initiate a conversation. And for the love of God, don't talk about her low cut shirt or ask her what her favorite sexual position is. Find something you have in common to talk about. That's the hardest part. This might be something you plan in your head as you pass the hipsters on the way to greet her.


I could go in length on how to shake hands properly, how to read her body language to see if she's into you, and a variety of other things. But, I know you are probably getting ready to go to the bar to try this out to increase your chances of getting laid, and you don't have time to read through this whole thing. But before you douse yourself with cologne and head out to try it, remember one thing.

Using this will increase your chances to carry on a conversation with a woman, but it does not guarantee it. It will give you the first impression that you are a gentleman. And first impressions are everything.

Oh, and don't stare at her tits. 

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