Thursday, July 18, 2013

Meeting a Woman for the First Time - The Female Perspective

Laurel England is a co-author for the Gentlemen Guide for the Modern Age. She wonderfully brings balance to the blog by backing up each post with the female perspective. This post is in response to  "Meeting a Woman for the First Time"


As a 6’ blonde who wears heels without hesitation, I’ve had my share of attention from the male species. Whether I like it or not, men will flock. This “Flocking” includes but is not limited to : 

-          Whistles 
-          Hoots 
-          Licking of lips 
-          Intense boob stare downs 
-          Pointing directly at you to their buddies 
-          Useless banter about how “banging” I look
And of course, the pickup lines. (I can only hope they’re educated enough to make it rhythm in the end so I at least can walk away laughing and giving them a high five).
Is this what a young woman desires in this modern age? Are these the only options?
It’s true we tend to enjoy attention. We didn’t hit the gym all week, skip the cupcakes at Ashley’s birthday party, buy a brand new BCBG dress with our maxed out credit card to stand in the corner and NOT be approached. Nor did we spend 6 hours perfecting our online dating profile for you to misspell our name and ask if our photos are up to date.  And yes, it is true we may show off certain assets to help fuel that attention. However, what makes you different from the first 3 guys who came up to a lady letting her know how good she looks and wants her number? Queue the extinct species of gentlemen.

The Greeting

The “just introduce yourself” Is spot on. We’re not expecting back flips and a fluffy kitten to be pulled from your jacket for extreme entertainment.

If you spot an attractive lady at a bar or in your local coffee spot, be confident in yourself and send out that vibe. If you’re not confident, join the club. It’s all about perception. “Fake it until you make it” I believe is the phrase I am looking for. No female is going to reject your handshake and not exchange her name as well. If she does, she’s a total self-obsessed bitch. You’re welcome for getting that out of the way so you didn’t spend all night making cat eyes with a Paris Hilton wannabe.  
As long as you haven’t run into one of those terrible self-involved sluts, it’s time to make the next step.
“Nice to meet you Dayna,(insert conversation direction here.)”
Does she look athletic? Perhaps you played the same sport in college. Is she tan? Maybe she likes to hit the beach like you do. Find what initially drew you in to her and figure out how to present that in words that isn’t a Ron Burgundy, “Well I was standing over across the room and felt compelled to tell you something. You have an absolutely breathtaking heiny”. You’re men I get it, but let’s keep it PG for this initial introduction…Please?
It’s easy to get intimidated quickly, but a couple things you need to keep in mind to help build you up:
Behind all that smoky eye makeup and light bronzed face foundation could be a woman who would rather be home watching the Yankees beat the Dodgers while trading her vodka soda for a Mother Earth Cali Cream pint. We came out and dressed up mostly for you. So appreciate it but know that we are all chameleons.
We may put on a front. There are a lot of sassy sarcastic females out there who are not looking for the boring banter. We will test you. Don’t back down and assume she’s being a bitch. She’s challenging you to engage her and to see if you can keep up. If you’re not interested in that, go find the Barbie across the room who’s smitten knowing that you can remember her name and guess her boob size.


Leave the dirty jokes, pickup lines and flexing at the door. Stop wasting time and start being a functional gentleman.
"THAT" guy

Don’t be “That Guy”, whose the drunkest in the room, hits on a woman, gets denied and then hits on her friends standing two feet from her. Keep it classy but keep it fun. The right girl will respond well to just you being a respectful confident version of yourself. Don’t be what you think a woman wants, faking a persona will get you nowhere really fast. She will appreciate your gentlemanly efforts and they will not go unnoticed. You will get her number, you will get a date. Don’t try and go home with her, walk away knowing you conquered the first interaction with smashing success.

Oh yes, stop looking at my wonderful tits.

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