Friday, July 19, 2013

The Dying Breed - The Female Perspective

 Laurel England is a co-author for the Gentleman's Guide for the Modern Age. She wonderfully brings balance to the blog by backing up each post with the female reaction to the topic. This post is in response to "The Dying Breed". 



As a female in the modern world this doesn’t surprise me in the least. I don’t know when and I don’t know why, but fathers have stopped passing on the gentlemen gene.

I went out to breakfast with a gentleman suitor in a casual local chain. He walked in front of me and pulled out my chair as smooth and calm as a Hindu cow. I came to expect this from this wonderful gentleman, sat down and thanked him.

The 18 year old waitress that led us to our table stood there wide eyed and dumb founded. She blurted out “WOW”, and placed down our menus. We both looked at each other and then back at her. She replied to our looming stares, “I’ve never seen a man do that for a woman before. I thought that only happens in the movies.”

I almost wanted to cry for America’s youth, go hunt down her parents and slap them. Instead replied with a wink, “Gentleman are still out there. Never settle for anything less and always appreciate them when you come across them”. 

What Women Expect in the Modern Age 


When women in the modern age come across this dying bread, our first instinct is to immediately think that it’s complete bullshit. What have we learned from the last 200 men that have approached us? It’s a simple act to attain the vagina.  
Figure 1

And that ladies, is the bullshit.  

Gentleman, you already start in the negatives and that’s not your fault. It’s the fault of the shmedium-wearing, fist pumping, gym grunting, drunken mess of a "man" that has infected our everyday lives (See figure 1) . Stand strong dear gentlemen, hold that ground and hold those traditions. You will find that the appreciating women, although obnoxiously pessimistic and weary in this era, will come around and give you not only the time of day, but her heart, her trust and her undying need to be bent over. 


Men that happen to find this blog, that are not too resistant to change, I pray you grab a pen and paper. For your Jersey shore of a world is about to get rocked.

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